Who We Are

World Agricultural Economic and Environmental Services (WAEES) is a consulting firm specializing in global agricultural and biofuels forecasting and scenario analysis. This analysis is supported by a fully integrated global partial equilibrium model including 30 commodities and detailed geographic breakouts on 48 countries and regions capturing the world. Designed for scenario analysis, the model includes over 25,000 equations capable of simulating the impacts of changes in population, per capita income, exchange rates, inflation, agricultural policy, biofuels policy, technology, input costs, and may others on the agricultural supply chain. Model output includes over 1200 quantitative tables of historical and projected supply, demand, policy, and price insights for 30 commodities across 48 countries and regions.

Featured Product

Our featured product is our Global Agricultural and Biofuels Forecast with projections to marketing year 2035/36 which is updated semi-annually. Clients can elect to customize forecast assumptions (policy, technology growth, macroeconomic variable, etc.) and have WAEES generate a proprietary forecast for their company.